Nine years
ago, on 10th July, 2008, the Government of Rajasthan conceived the
formation of Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Ltd., a Company
for the development of vast resource of Oil and Gas in Rajasthan
State. RSPCL is a subsidiary of Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals
Limited which is proposed to venture into exploration, production,
transportation of gas, City Gas Distribution and Gas Retail
Business. RSPCL has started functioning and exploring the business
opportunity in the field of Underground Coal Gasification and Syn
Gas production. An Expression of Interest was issued by RSPCL in
view of tying up with Joint Venture partner having proven technology
of UCG. RSPCL had received responses from the perspective project
developer(s). Presentations had been given by the project
developers from 3.02.2011-4.02.2011 at corporate office, Udaipur.
RSPCL is also pursuing to obtain a Coal block for Underground Coal
Gasification from Ministry of Coal. Govt. of Rajasthan has
recommended Nagurda area in favour of RSPCL in Barmer-Sanchore basin
for Coal Gasification purpose. RSPCL propose to participate in the
bidding process of Ministry of Coal for obtaining Nagurda lignite
block to work together with Neyveli Lignite Corporation limited.
Finalisation of a Memorandum of association is with NLC is also
under progress.
Expression of
interest is also issued to select a consultant for providing
assistance in selection of a UCG developer and structuring business
model for RSPCL. Presentations from bidders have also been given.
RSPCL has an
ambitious plan for entering in to Oil, Gas, Shale gas and CBM exploration
under National Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) through bidding
process and Microbial Coal Conversion and Methane Production
Projects. RSPCL has obtained "No Objection" from the Ministry of
Coal for undertaking biogenic methane studies in the lignite
areas. Seam water and coal samples have been sent to Colorado, USA
for lab scale feasibility studies.
It has taken a
pace ahead for developing gas pipe line laying, transmission and
distribution and City gas distribution project across Rajasthan with
pioneered organisation GAIL Gs Limited, a subsidiary of GAIL
India Limited and signed a Joint Venture Agreement on 05.11.2012 at
Jaipur in the presence of Chief Secretary. JVA has been signed by
the Managing Director RSPCL and Chief Executive Officer, GAIL Gas
Limited and a JV in the name of RSPCL- GAIL GAS LIMITED has been
incorporated on 20th September 2013 (now known as Rajasthan State
Gas Limited to undertake gas distribution activities in the State.
GAIL Gas has 26% and RSPCL 24% equity in the JVC.
RSPCL has also
plans to market petroleum products from refineries in the state of
RSPCL mission is
to lay foundation of a vertically integrated company to reach energy
horizons of a rapidly growing state to be achieved by:
and acquiring blocks for oil and gas and exploiting them optimally
for long run production.
Producing oil
and gas and petrochemical to boost the State economy.
Providing high
class oil and gas field services to exploration and production units
across Rajasthan and India.
Developing oil
and gas transportation network in Rajasthan for optimized reach and
cost efficient Upstream & Downstream Operations.
Underground Coal Gasification and Coal Bed Methane Blocks in
Rajasthan and contribution in to state energy security and
Commercialization of gas resources base in densely populated regions
of Rajasthan state.
platform for renewable energy in Rajasthan and contribution in to
state energy security
composition of Board of Directors of the Corporation includes the
1.Principal Secretary (Industries), Chairman
2.Principal Secretary (Mines & Petroleum), Director
3.Principal Secretary ( Energy), Director
4.Secretary (Finance- Revenue)), Director
5.Managing Director, RSMM Ltd, Director
6.Director Petroleum, Director
Contact Us
Rajasthan State
Petroleum Corporation Limited.
4, Meera Marg, UDAIPUR, 313001
Phone: +91-294-5100225
+91-294-5100408, +91-294-2428770
Shri Rajeev Verma
Senior Manager (Business Development/RSPCL)
Corporate Office, 4-Meera Marg, Udaipur – 313 001
Phone: +91-294-5100225, Fax: +91-294-5100408
Rajasthan State Gas Limited
A Joint Venture Company was incorporated on 20th September 2013 by
GAIL Gas Limited (A subsidiary of Maharatna Company GAIL (India)
Ltd.)& Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited (A subsidiary of
Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals Limited) to setup retail gas
infrastructure in the state of Rajasthan as a Nodal player to cater
requirement of cleaner fuel for Domestic, Automotive, Commercial and
Industrial customers.
Subsequent to signing of the MoU by Joint Venture Company with RIICO
(Rajasthan State Industrial Development and Investment Corporation) on
28/10/2014 in the presence of Hon’ble Chief Minister, for strategic
tie-up to develop retail gas infrastructure in the state of Rajasthan,
the company has moved ahead with the name change from RSPCL-GAIL GAS
line with Company`s Strategic move to become a Nodal Player for
Development of Retail Gas Infrastructure in the state of Rajasthan.
The City Gas Distribution rights presently authorized to Gail gas is
being transferred to RSGL shortly which will pave the way for Company
to start commercial activities in gas distribution business. RSGL
shall develop the network in a phased manner:-
In Phase-I:- A Mega CNG Mother Station would be set up at Neemrana and
a Daughter Booster Station at Kukas near Jaipur thereby opening up the
CNG corridor along Delhi-Jaipur Highway NH-8 and catering to the
industrial customers in and around Alwar and Kukas. Further company is
taking pre project activities for providing connectivity to the
industrial clusters of Baran, Jhalawar and Ghilot. The Daughter
Booster Station being setup at Kukas is designed for online CNG
facility after planned pipeline connectivity to Jaipur.
In Phase–II:-RSGL plans to develop CNG network in Jaipur, Ajmer, Sikar
and Udaipur cities along the Jaipur-Ajmer Highway, Jaipur–Kota
Highway, Jaipur-Sikar Highway and Kota- Udaipur Highway CNG Corridors.
In Phase–III: - RSGL has plans to meet the needs of Natural Gas by
importing LNG from Dahej for the distantly located districts which are
not covered by pipe line connectivity.
RSGL as nodal player for clean energy solution will contribute in
economic growth and provide revenue to the state exchequer by
developing gas based network and realize the dream of the Hon’ble
Chief Minister of Rajasthan, to see Rajasthan amongst the most
developed, frontrunner states in the country and to build an
environment where industrial growth and business can flourish and lead
to all around prosperity of the State.
(A Joint Venture Company of RSPCL & GAIL Gas Limited) Khanij Bhawan
Tilak Marg-Scheme Jaipur -302005, Rajasthan Phone: 0141-2227148, Fax: